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We aim to bring efficient, effective primary care to the last mile

to What we do

1 out of 4 people in India die due to

preventable causes

The key causes are a dearth of trained medical professionals, poor quality primary health care and uninformed patients.


   Solution: Clinic Didi    

A nurse-led, tech-enabled platform that improves each step of a patient's healthcare journey


Monitoring of patient outcomes, stored health records for easy referrals.


Nurse consultations (assisted by the digital platform) and pharmacy.




through education and reinforce with regular screenings




services for primary care - BP, Glucose, Hb, Urine 


How It Works

Curated Technology to manage patients and clinic

Upskilling nurses with protocols, patient and clinic management tools 

Operational tools to set up and run clinics efficiently and effectively

Community-led Engagement to improve patient behaviors

to Impact

Our Impact

15,000+ population reached
40-60% improvement in nurses' clinical skills
90% patients satisfied

Yogesh Tulsiram Warghade, 26

“बसायची सोया करतात. बीपी तपासला , अंगातले रक्त कमी / जास्त आहे हे तपासला. इंजेकशन दिला. दवाखान्यात सफाई चांगली आहे. बाहेर बॉक्स ठेवला आहे ती आयडिया चांगली आहे. वेळेवर गाड्या भेटत नाय, दवाखाना चालू झाला तर फार चांगला झाला.”

(“They make arrangements for sitting. They checked BP, they checked if the blood is more/less. They gave us injection.  The hospital is clean. The idea of keeping (feedback) box is good. We don’t get vehicles in time. It is good that the clinic has started.”)



India has made reasonable progress in improving last-mile healthcare over the last decade but a severe shortage of trained personnel and underutilization of existing facilities remains. Technology can address these challenges but only if it's delivered effectively.

Our field experiments in rural India illustrate key challenges in primary healthcare in India and make the case for a new, technology-enabled healthcare delivery model. Read more.

Over two years ClinicDidi conducted in-depth ethnographic research in multiple states to design and test a technology-enabled delivery model field in three public, rural healthcare clinics. 
This report shares our methodology and key findings as a call to action for t
he various organizations and stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem to consider alternate approaches of last-mile technology delivery.


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